Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Security and safety

Health and safety at work is high workers' rights that must be met by the company in addition to other basic rights. Companies should realize and understand that the worker is not a resource that is constantly used, but as social beings who must be kept and observed that there are many risk factors and dangers in the workplace.

In addition to the company, the government was partly responsible for protecting the health and safety. Efforts made by the government to issue regulations governing the K3 are:

A. Act 1 of 1970 on Occupational Safety and Health (K3);

2. Permenaker No.05/Men/1996 on Health and Safety Management System (SMK3);

3. Law no. 13 of 2003 on Manpower; Article 86 and Article 87.

Goals and objectives contained in this SMK3 is creating a safety and health systems by involving elements of management, labor, working conditions and environment in order to prevent and reduce accidents and occupational diseases as well as the creation of a workplace that is safe, efficient and productive.

Health and Safety Management System (SMK3)

Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) is part of the overall management system which includes organizational structure, planning, responsibility, implementation, implementation, achievement, assessment and maintenance of safety and health policies in order to control the risks associated with work activities in order to the creation of workplaces that are safe, efficient and productive productive. (Permenaker PER.05/MEN/1996).

Figure 1. Key Element Management System K3

In the application of K3 Management System, the Company shall implement SMK3 5 key elements:

a. Commitment and Work Safety Policy and Kesehataan

Firm commitment to this can be seen from the presence of adequate resources; availability of budget, quality workforce and other facilities needed in the field of occupational safety and health; Establishing the personal who has the responsibility, authority and duties are clearly in the handling of occupational safety and health; occupational safety and health planning are coordinated; malakukan work assessment and follow up the implementation of occupational safety and health; Establish occupational health and safety policy and ensure commitment to the implementation of K3 Management System;

b. Plan

The company must make in order to achieve effective planning and successful implementation of K3 Management System activities with clear objectives and measurable yanng. Planning should include goals, objectives dann performance indicators applied by considering the source of hazard identification, assessment and appropriate risk control requirements of the applicable legislation and the implementation of the initial review of the safety and health.

c. Application / Implementation

In achieving the objectives of safety and health companies must appoint qualified personnel in accordance with the system implemented.

d. Measurement and Evaluation

Companies should have systems to measure, monitor and evaluate the performance of K3 Management System and the results should be analyzed to determine the success or to identify corrective actions.

e. Management Review

Regularly reviewing and improving the implementation of K3 Management System on an ongoing basis with the aim of improving safety and health performance. The review covers K3 manajamen System: Evaluation of the implementation of occupational safety and health policies; Objectives, targets and safety performance and health; audit findings K3 Management System: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of K3 Management System.

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