Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ethical marketing in the community, the consumer-oriented

ore than ever, macro marketing system the world has been closely linked. Broad thrust towards market-driven economy is dramatic evidence that the consumers want the freedom and choice not only in politics, but also in the market. Centralized economy was clearly unable to make ends meet.
Although there are a lot of talk about the world as a whole region, but not until we get there. A person who lives in Kenya may have a cell phone and watch TVserta get a glimpse of the quality of life enjoyed by the developed western societies, for they were all not feel real. The real thing is a struggle to meet the most basic necessities of life, for survival against hunger, malnutrition, and epidemic spread of water. Challenges faced by consumers and marketing manager in the advanced economies countries, by contrast, is not large.
In a relative sense, some consumers in the world can expect so much, and gained so much from what they expect. But is good that the companies give us what we want? When you think about the difference between the problems of hunger and too much fast food, it is not difficult for consumers to decide which one is more fortunate. However, if this is just a comparison between two groups of consumers? Is the situation in underdeveloped countries is an extreme? Will things get better if no member kta too great an emphasis on marketing? Do we really need so many brands of products? Is the amount of money spent on advertising really help consumers? Is it wrong if we look forward to ordering fast food at any time? And conversely, if all options are simply raise the price to be paid benaar consumers without actually giving any added value? In general, if the marketing is able to serve the public good dengaan?
The question is what will become a staple in this chapter. So that we can learn and hold a full marketing, what and how the contribution of marketing manager in the marketing process macro.
Satisfaction and cost are the two criteria used to evaluate the impact of marketing. There is a conclusion that micro-marketing efforts undertaken by various individual companies often spend exorbitant fees, while the macro is not marketing.
The purpose of Evaluation Influence
Every nation has a social and economic goals are different. Dictatorship for example, very concerned about efforts to meet the needs of society as understood by the political elite. In socialist countries, the goal is to meet the needs of the community may be as defined by planners in government officials. In the U.S., the main purpose of the system of market-driven economy is to satisfy the needs of consumers as they are, the consumer, to understand. This objective implies that political freedom and economic freedom coexist and that the citizen in a free society have the right to live as they wish.
Therefore our goal of customer satisfaction, marketing effectiveness should be measured by how well it can satisfy consumer marketing. Already there are various ways to offer to measure the level of customer satisfaction one costomer American Satisfaction Index.
Individuals Subject to the satisfaction of Hope
Such indices enable effort tracking changes in consumer satisfaction measures from time to time and even allow for comparisons between countries. Demkian However, attempts to interpret the measure of satisfaction that there is a limit. One basic issue is that 1) satisfaction is relative and depends on the level of desire or expectation, 2) tend to increase the level of desire based on the success / failure, 3) customer satisfaction is a concept that is very personal, and assess the "average" satisfaction of the entire community does not provide a complete picture to evaluate the effectiveness of macro-marketing.
There are Many Ways of Measuring Marketing Effectiveness of Micro
Measures the marketing effectiveness of a particular company is also difficult, but it is possible to do. Individual business firms can and should attempt to measure how well their marketing mix to satisfy the customer (or why they fail). For measuring customer satisfaction can be used:
A. American costomer Satisfaction Index;
2. Attitude research studies;
3. Comment cards;
4. E-mail responses on the website;
5. Consumer responses / complaints;
6. Opinion of the sales force and intermediaries; H
7. acyl test the market and profit.
Although evaluating the effectiveness of marketing is difficult, but it is not impossible to do.
Micro marketing often takes time Cost Too High
Many companies are implementing marketing programs are successful, but others maih oriented and inefficient production. For the latter company, micro marketing is not uncommon to burden them with a very high cost. In general, marketing inefficiencies caused by one or more of the following three reasons:
A. Lack of interest or understanding of customers' tastes are fickle;
2. Merger-4P that does not fit in part due to the excessive emphasis on internal issues rather than customer-oriented;
3. Lack of understanding or adjustments to the marketing environment, especially with what is done by the competitor.
Macro Marketing Requires No Cost Too High
Critics often claim that the macro-marketing systems lead to poor resource utilization and pushing against the unfair distribution of income. Most of these complaints suggests that some marketing activities by individual Performance Management should not be allowed-and because of this, our macro marketing system to be less satisfactory.
Efforts to Assist Micro-Economic Growth
Furthermore, the critics think that the marketing lead to higher prices, restricted output and national income and the declining availability of jobs.
Advertising is a true waste of resources?
Advertising is a micro marketing activities that a lot of criticism. Many ads are disturbing, harassing, misleading and essentially ineffective. This is one reason micro marketing often requires a very high cost. However, advertising can also make the process of micro and macro marketing work better. Because advertising is a way to tell a lot about the prospects of a company's products.
Consumer is not Just Puppets
The idea that companies can manipulate consumers to buy whatever the company is not trying to correct production. In fact, many new products fail to pass the market test. Even large companies can not even guarantee that the new product launch will always succeed.
The desire and need for Change
Consumer wants and needs continue to change. So the task of marketing is not just satisfy existing customers at a time in history, but need to find a variety of new and better ways to create value and serve consumers.
Marketing Is Making People Materialistic?
No doubt that marketing raises materialistic values. However, people disagree on whether the marketing of these values ​​to create or attract only values ​​that already exist.
Reflecting the marketing value that we profess
Critics say that the marketing would promote wrong values-for example, the emphasis on sex appeal to get attention and generally sending the message that the most important is personal satisfaction. The experts who study the values ​​of the community agree that in the short term, reflecting the marketing of certain social values, whereas in the long run encourage and affirm those values. Furthermore, many companies struggle to find beliefs and values ​​held by their customers. Then they refused to use the ads that are potentially abusing their target customers are.
Improving the Quality of Life Products
It is clear, the quality of life can not be measured simply by the quantity of material goods. However, when we look at the product as a means to an end rather than an end in itself, the product does have the potential to meet the higher needs.
Not All It Needs Unmet
Some critics claim that our macro-marketing system flawed because it does not provide solutions a variety of important issues, such as the question of how to help people who have no homes, people are not educated and so on. No one doubts that many companies are focusing their efforts on those who can afford to pay for what they offer. However, because the forces of competition drive prices fall, more and more people able to buy what they need. Fit between supply and demand is stimulating economic growth, create jobs, and distribute income among more people. In other words, the market economy makes efficient use of resources. However, this can not guarantee that the government assistance program would be effective. This is an important societal issue. Consumer society in the State dekomratis give some responsibility to the world of business and partly to the government.
Performance of business enterprises still leaves plenty of room for improvement. This presents a challenge for students and marketers.
A. Improve marketing performance so as to meet consumer needs and able to follow changes and trends is important.
2. Marketing managers must constantly evaluate their strategies to ensure that they are not lagging far behind competitors. The marketing manager must be able to pioneer a groundbreaking effort to find markets and new approaches that have a competitive advantage.
3. Marketing managers must be able to face the pressures of international competition.
4. Must be able to use technology wisely.
5. Must be able to build something of a higher quality and more secure as a social responsibility.
6. Need to work harder and smarter to find a variety of ways that satisfy consumer needs without compromising the environment.
7. Marketing managers must be able to give attention to the rights and privacy of consumers.

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