Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Consumer Complaint Behavior

If consumers are not satisfied with a product or service, what do they do? Consumer complaint behavior (consumer complaint behavior) is a term that encompasses all the different consumer action if they feel dissatisfied with a purchase. The researchers identified five behaviors common complaint, namely:
1. Retailers face a certain way.
2. Avoid the same retailers and persuade friends and family, to avoid the same retailer.
3. Take open action involving a third party (for example, launched an official action to obtain compensation).

4. Boycott a company or organization.
5. Create an alternative organization to provide goods or services.
 The first three behaviors - handle links related to the retailer, rather than degrading the brand or the store and ask friends to avoid it as well, as well as through third-party complaint - an open response to the problem of the products or services where consumers are demanding compensation, either personally punish the retailer by the withdrawal of business or by requiring some kind of reimbursement. This replacement can be in the form of money or a replacement product. Two recent behavior of more far-reaching. Instead of appealing only to their own business (hope not from your friends and family) that launched a consumer boycott of the general attempt to alter marketing practices and / or promote social change. Perhaps the most drastically the behavior is the last: creating a completely new organization to provide goods or services.

Behavioral model of consumer complaints to identify two main objectives to complain. First, consumers complained to cover economic losses. They may try to swap the product problems with other products, or trying to get their money back, either directly from the company / store and indirectly through legal action.

The second reason why consumers engage in legal action. The second reason why consumers engage in complaint behavior is to rebuild their self-image. Often the purchase of a product is tied to the buyer's self-image, so that when the product is less successful, then the person's self-image down. To improve self-image, consumers can use word of mouth communication is negative, stop buying because look at the brand, complain to the company or take legal action.

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