Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In accordance with its objectives, management information systems should be able to help everyone in need of decision making with more precise and accurate. But we realize that the various roles that belongs in the activity he is performing, everyone is trying to fulfill the duties and responsibilities assigned to him as well.In an attempt to solve a problem, problem solvers may make many decisions. Decision is a series of actions that need to be followed in solving the problem to avoid or mitigate negative impacts, or to take advantage of the opportunity. This condition is not easy with the growing complexity of the activity and the limited resources available. Moreover, the required information is not derived directly from the source. For the management of the user information need a support system (support systems) that can improve decision making, especially for conditions that are not structured or support system to a certain extent only. There are two important reasons why management needs a support system that is able to improve their decision making.

The decision to build information systems that can meet the needs of upper management. By simply relying on management information systems without the help of its supporting systems, it is difficult for management, especially in the upper level to take strategic decisions. This is because generally the strategic decision-making is more of a policy with a broad impact and / or unstructured situations.
The need to create a reporting and decision-making processes that have meaning (significance). Management here in the push for how to develop better reporting for the implementation of performance measurement activities and inform the various types of new decision-making. With the help of a support system that is prepared, then this will better enable management to get the reporting and decision-making process better.
Besides the two reasons stated above, there are several other reasons why the support systems needed to complement the existing management information system, namely:
  1. To complement the management information system that is available is because this system will       certainly further accelerate the calculation. 
  2.  To overcome the weaknesses of the existing management information systems, especially in the unstructured information present or information is only intended for upper-level management.
  3. To enhance capabilities in processing and storage of data and information, reduce costs, support the technical aspects in the decision-making, and
  4.  To support quality, and provide a competitive advantage for its users.

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