Tuesday, March 6, 2012


A. Introduction.
Management science is actually the same age with human life, why is that because basically humans in their daily lives can not be separated from the principles of management, either directly or indirectly. Both in sadarai or unconsciously. Scientific management science arose in the early 20 th century in continental western Europe and America. Where in these countries was hit by a revolution known as the industrial revolution. Namely changes in the management berubahan effective and efficient production. This is because society is more advanced and human needs are more and more religious and the like.
Now arises the question "Who are the actual use of management" is only used in the company alone or whether the government alone. Management is needed in all areas. And organizational forms and types of activities. Where people work together to achieve a predetermined goal.

B. Upcoming
Defining the management there are various kinds, some interpret the management, maintenance management and so forth. Understanding of management can be seen from the three terms.
1. Management as a process
2. Management as a human collectivity
3. Management as a science (science) and as an art
Management as a process. Understanding of management as a process can be seen from the definition according to:
1. Encyclopaedia of the social science, which is a process by which the implementation of specific goals implemented and monitored.
2. Haiman, namely management functions to achieve a goal through the activities of others, oversees efforts by individuals to achieve goals
3. Georgy R. Terry, namely how to achieve goals that have been determined in advance through the activities of others.
Management as a collectivity which is a collection of people who work together to achieve a common goal. Collectivity or group of people is called the management, being the person responsible for the implementation of a management activity of purpose or the passage of so-called manager.
Management as a science and art, to see how the management activities associated with the principles of management. Understanding of management as a science and art of:
1. I Chaster Bernard in his book The function of the executive, the management of the arts and sciences, as well as Henry Fayol, Alfin Brown Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell George R. Terry.
2. Mary Parker Follett stated that the management as the art of the work done through others.
Of devinisi above can be concluded that the management is the coordination of all resources through the process of planning, organizing, setting employment, direction and control to achieve the goals set in advance.

C. For Science And Management As Art
Management is a science and art, why so named because the two are inseparable. Management as a science, because it has been studied for a long time, and has been organized into a theory. This is because in it describes the management of symptoms, these symptoms are then examined using the scientific method is formulated in the form of principles embodies in the form of a theory.
Moderate management as an art, here looking at that in reaching a goal is needed kkerja together with others, well, how to instruct the others to cooperate. By the very nature of human activity in general is managing (set) to set up an art needed here, how others need to work towards a common goal.

D. Management As A Profession
In modern times all kinds of events always have to Be, in the sense of clear rules, and now might say that the field of management has been a profession for the experts. Why is so because in any activities of the work to be done efficiently and effectively, in order to obtain feedback or input is great.
Edgar H. Schein in his book, organization socialization and the profession of Management describes the characteristics or criteria-criteria can be used as something of a profession that is:
1. The professionals make decisions on the basis of general principles which apply to situations and environments, it is widely supported by many education-education that aim to educate students to become a professional. For example, Academy of Management Professional Education, courses and training programs and so forth.
2. The profesioal gain status by achieving a certain standard of work performance, is not based on heredity, favoritas, ethnicity, religion dam criteria, other criteria.
3. The professional must be determined by a strong code of ethics.

E. Levels of Management and Manager
Management is used in all forms of activities both professional and non professional activities, both governmental and private organizations, so managers can be classified in two ways: levels in the organization and scope of activities undertaken.
When viewed from the levels in the organization, management is divided into three distinct groups, namely:
1. Line management: the first level of management or the lowest level in an organization, where one in charge of the work of others, such as foreman or supervisor in a factory production supervisor a part of research techniques and so forth.
2. Middle management (midle Manager) that includes more than one level within the organization.
3. Top Management (Top Manager) consists of a relatively small group, which is responsible for overall management of the organization.
Functional managers responsible for the activities of the organization, such as the production of marketing, finance and so forth, the general manager in charge of the unit a more complicated example of a company branch or part of an independent operational responsibility for all activities of the unit.
There are two major functions or expertise (skills) that is technical expertise (Teknical Skill) and managerial skills (Managerial Skill). Ie engineering expertise on how to work and produce something that is made up of directors with the motivation, supervision and communication. Managerial skills are skills that pleased about goal setting planning, organizing, drafting personnel and supervision.

F. Management Functions
Management functions according to some authors, among others:
1. Ernest Dale: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Innovating, Representing and Controlling.
2. Oey Liang Lee: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling.
3. James Stoner: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling.
4. Henry Fayol: Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, Controlling.
5. Lindal F. Urwich: Forescating, Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Cordinating, Controlling.
6. Dr. SP. Siagian MPA: Planning, Organizing, Motivating, Controlling.
7. Prayudi Atmosudirjo: Planning, Organizing, Directing / Actuating, Controlling.
8. DR. Winardi SE: Planning, Organizing, Coordinating, Actuating, Leading, Communicating, Controlling.
9. The Liang Gie: Planning, Decision Making, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling, Improving.
In effect the above functions can be combined into 10 functions are:
1. Forecasting (prediction), namely forecast, projecting to the possibility that will happen when something is done.
2. Planning (planning) the determination of a series of actions and activities to achieve expected results.
3. Organizing (organization) is the grouping of activities to achieve objectives, including in this case the determination of the organizational structure, duties and functions.
4. Staffing or Assembling Resources (personnel preparation) is the preparation of personnel since the withdrawal of labor from new. training and development to every officer in an attempt to give maximum efficiency in the organization.
5. Directing, or Commanding (directional or mengkomando) is the effort to give guidance and suggestions in the implementation of task orders each subordinate (delegation of authority) to be implemented properly in accordance with the intended purpose.
6. Leading the manager's job to ask another person to act in accordance with the intended purpose.
7. Coordinating (coordination) that align the task or job in order to avoid chaos and responsibilities at each other with connecting roads, together, combine and harmonize the work of subordinates.
8. Motivating (motivation) the encouragement, inspiration and encouragement to subordinates to do the activities that have been established voluntarily.
9. Controlling (monitoring) the discovery and application of methods and equipment to ensure that the plan has been implemented in accordance with the objectives.
10. Reporting (reporting) that the conveyance of the activities of both written and oral.
The process of implementation of management activities, the management functions including planning, organizing, drafting, coaching, and supervision. It is these functions into the company, are functions of the manager outside the company are:
1. represent the company in the field trial.
2. take part as an ordinary citizen.
make contact with elements of society.

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