Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3 Business Ideas Worth Billions in the Jagat Online Business

May now have become a cliche to say that the future of online business in the homeland promised an abundance of luminescence rupiah. Yet the fact it is so. Google recently decided to officially open a representative office in Indonesia, after internal research concluded they are very deep: in the online business, market Indonesia is "really something".
Of course it would be mak nyus if only we also have the opportunity to surf a wave of online business. This time, I will share with you three online business ideas are very promising. Three business idea is actually "too valuable" to be shared just like that, and it should be feasible only dealt with the serious investor. Three business idea is worth billions because the profit potential is so promising nancep.
Without further ado, let's surgery three online business ideas one by one.
Behind the uproar online home business world five years later, is actually not a lot of new business website up that really kicks. Detik.com and all its competitors so it just so-so (ndak changed a lot since 15 years ago!). Tokobagus.com and Berniaga.com, which is now advertising on TV like it, well it's just buying and selling forum.
Amid such a landscape of online business, then the following three online business ideas are very worthy of consideration.
Online Business Idea # 1: PanduanKonsumenLengkap.Com. This idea is simple true (oh yes, and the simple ideas are usually much more phenomenal. If ndak believe, look at Google). Imagine, one day you want to buy a new phone, and are confused about choosing what brand and type. Or imagine you want to know which phone carrier rates are the cheapest and best. Or imagine you are unsure most good school for your child.
Okay, normally you would googling, and as always, the results are too diverse and scattered everywhere (and often it ndak satisfactory). To this day, there is no single website with a very complete and detailed answers to all of the options handed over to the neat, and only once - two clicks. Also designed with very beautiful.
This first business idea is to imagine something beautiful: a web of detail and a complete (and very friendly with navigation) displays a comparison, the features, strengths and weaknesses of almost all consumer product categories that are often sought: from gadget to insurance products, ranging from credit card products to motorcycles. All accompanied by pictures, demo video (so you can know for real how it compares to the features iPhone and BB), as well as links to the intended product.
Just info: in the UK, the above idea is realized by two young children. And you know what? Each month they get a profit of 5 billion dollars per month from advertising revenue.
Online Business Idea # 2: KursusManajemenOnline.com. Online business idea is clear: how to provide training courses or management (such as leadership skills, problem solving skills, presentation skills, etc.) online. -Modules in the communication via the learning portal, equipped with real time interactive tutorials, and online video teaching attractive.
To this day there is no such web online learning. Market is highly prospective, especially if it can build alliances with companies with offices away from the big city.
Online course costs just Rp 250 thousand per month (much cheaper than the cost of attending is now $ 1 million per day). Seeing its potential, the target number of participants may reach 2000 people a month. With it, you can earn 500 million per month with the smooth. Interested?
Business Idea # 2: InfoMobilLengkap.Com. Okay, okay I know, in the homeland, the web about the number has hundreds of cars. The problem: all of the existing website's content abal-abal, incomplete, annoying and amateurish.
Web-content web that new products are luxury cars with images taken from some where. But that is not wanted by the consumer web in the country. They are looking for example: info and a complete guide to various brands both new or used car. Also a comparison (advantages and disadvantages) of various brands of cars are available; so if you want to buy a used car is still cool, you can know why the 2008 Honda Jazz output is still better than the Yaris output in 2009.
Again, here the simple idea (but miraculously, to this day none of the web that provide it), namely: how to complete all the information and details, all the info from the A and Z (about the price of a used car that is updated every week, of video test drive new cars and used cars; also a video on how to install the spare tire - a lot of car owners who know how to put up ndak spare tire) is presented in a neat and easy to find.
If all the contents above are presented with a complete and consistent, within three years will be the web's leading car information in Indonesia. And then, you can sell that website for USD 60 billion (do not be surprised, rumah123.com sites whose content is so-so only sold at a price that much).
With 60 billion cash, you can retire and take a free umra compatriot neighbors. And stopped by the return of Hong Kong. Ah, another Hong Kong ..... :)
That's three decent online business ideas are executed. With the support of a team of competent and capable, I believe three business ideas that can really bring in the mak nyus profit.
If you have friends interested and serious investor, please contact me via private email. I would gladly be the advisor to create one of three online business ideas above. And oh yes, of course I asked for the allocation of shares. Number of ndak big-very big, just 10% only. I am not kidding, guys!

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