Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3 Business Ideas Worth Billions in the Jagat Online Business

May now have become a cliche to say that the future of online business in the homeland promised an abundance of luminescence rupiah. Yet the fact it is so. Google recently decided to officially open a representative office in Indonesia, after internal research concluded they are very deep: in the online business, market Indonesia is "really something".
Of course it would be mak nyus if only we also have the opportunity to surf a wave of online business. This time, I will share with you three online business ideas are very promising. Three business idea is actually "too valuable" to be shared just like that, and it should be feasible only dealt with the serious investor. Three business idea is worth billions because the profit potential is so promising nancep.
Without further ado, let's surgery three online business ideas one by one.
Behind the uproar online home business world five years later, is actually not a lot of new business website up that really kicks. Detik.com and all its competitors so it just so-so (ndak changed a lot since 15 years ago!). Tokobagus.com and Berniaga.com, which is now advertising on TV like it, well it's just buying and selling forum.
Amid such a landscape of online business, then the following three online business ideas are very worthy of consideration.
Online Business Idea # 1: PanduanKonsumenLengkap.Com. This idea is simple true (oh yes, and the simple ideas are usually much more phenomenal. If ndak believe, look at Google). Imagine, one day you want to buy a new phone, and are confused about choosing what brand and type. Or imagine you want to know which phone carrier rates are the cheapest and best. Or imagine you are unsure most good school for your child.
Okay, normally you would googling, and as always, the results are too diverse and scattered everywhere (and often it ndak satisfactory). To this day, there is no single website with a very complete and detailed answers to all of the options handed over to the neat, and only once - two clicks. Also designed with very beautiful.
This first business idea is to imagine something beautiful: a web of detail and a complete (and very friendly with navigation) displays a comparison, the features, strengths and weaknesses of almost all consumer product categories that are often sought: from gadget to insurance products, ranging from credit card products to motorcycles. All accompanied by pictures, demo video (so you can know for real how it compares to the features iPhone and BB), as well as links to the intended product.
Just info: in the UK, the above idea is realized by two young children. And you know what? Each month they get a profit of 5 billion dollars per month from advertising revenue.
Online Business Idea # 2: KursusManajemenOnline.com. Online business idea is clear: how to provide training courses or management (such as leadership skills, problem solving skills, presentation skills, etc.) online. -Modules in the communication via the learning portal, equipped with real time interactive tutorials, and online video teaching attractive.
To this day there is no such web online learning. Market is highly prospective, especially if it can build alliances with companies with offices away from the big city.
Online course costs just Rp 250 thousand per month (much cheaper than the cost of attending is now $ 1 million per day). Seeing its potential, the target number of participants may reach 2000 people a month. With it, you can earn 500 million per month with the smooth. Interested?
Business Idea # 2: InfoMobilLengkap.Com. Okay, okay I know, in the homeland, the web about the number has hundreds of cars. The problem: all of the existing website's content abal-abal, incomplete, annoying and amateurish.
Web-content web that new products are luxury cars with images taken from some where. But that is not wanted by the consumer web in the country. They are looking for example: info and a complete guide to various brands both new or used car. Also a comparison (advantages and disadvantages) of various brands of cars are available; so if you want to buy a used car is still cool, you can know why the 2008 Honda Jazz output is still better than the Yaris output in 2009.
Again, here the simple idea (but miraculously, to this day none of the web that provide it), namely: how to complete all the information and details, all the info from the A and Z (about the price of a used car that is updated every week, of video test drive new cars and used cars; also a video on how to install the spare tire - a lot of car owners who know how to put up ndak spare tire) is presented in a neat and easy to find.
If all the contents above are presented with a complete and consistent, within three years will be the web's leading car information in Indonesia. And then, you can sell that website for USD 60 billion (do not be surprised, rumah123.com sites whose content is so-so only sold at a price that much).
With 60 billion cash, you can retire and take a free umra compatriot neighbors. And stopped by the return of Hong Kong. Ah, another Hong Kong ..... :)
That's three decent online business ideas are executed. With the support of a team of competent and capable, I believe three business ideas that can really bring in the mak nyus profit.
If you have friends interested and serious investor, please contact me via private email. I would gladly be the advisor to create one of three online business ideas above. And oh yes, of course I asked for the allocation of shares. Number of ndak big-very big, just 10% only. I am not kidding, guys!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


A. Introduction.
Management science is actually the same age with human life, why is that because basically humans in their daily lives can not be separated from the principles of management, either directly or indirectly. Both in sadarai or unconsciously. Scientific management science arose in the early 20 th century in continental western Europe and America. Where in these countries was hit by a revolution known as the industrial revolution. Namely changes in the management berubahan effective and efficient production. This is because society is more advanced and human needs are more and more religious and the like.
Now arises the question "Who are the actual use of management" is only used in the company alone or whether the government alone. Management is needed in all areas. And organizational forms and types of activities. Where people work together to achieve a predetermined goal.

B. Upcoming
Defining the management there are various kinds, some interpret the management, maintenance management and so forth. Understanding of management can be seen from the three terms.
1. Management as a process
2. Management as a human collectivity
3. Management as a science (science) and as an art
Management as a process. Understanding of management as a process can be seen from the definition according to:
1. Encyclopaedia of the social science, which is a process by which the implementation of specific goals implemented and monitored.
2. Haiman, namely management functions to achieve a goal through the activities of others, oversees efforts by individuals to achieve goals
3. Georgy R. Terry, namely how to achieve goals that have been determined in advance through the activities of others.
Management as a collectivity which is a collection of people who work together to achieve a common goal. Collectivity or group of people is called the management, being the person responsible for the implementation of a management activity of purpose or the passage of so-called manager.
Management as a science and art, to see how the management activities associated with the principles of management. Understanding of management as a science and art of:
1. I Chaster Bernard in his book The function of the executive, the management of the arts and sciences, as well as Henry Fayol, Alfin Brown Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell George R. Terry.
2. Mary Parker Follett stated that the management as the art of the work done through others.
Of devinisi above can be concluded that the management is the coordination of all resources through the process of planning, organizing, setting employment, direction and control to achieve the goals set in advance.

C. For Science And Management As Art
Management is a science and art, why so named because the two are inseparable. Management as a science, because it has been studied for a long time, and has been organized into a theory. This is because in it describes the management of symptoms, these symptoms are then examined using the scientific method is formulated in the form of principles embodies in the form of a theory.
Moderate management as an art, here looking at that in reaching a goal is needed kkerja together with others, well, how to instruct the others to cooperate. By the very nature of human activity in general is managing (set) to set up an art needed here, how others need to work towards a common goal.

D. Management As A Profession
In modern times all kinds of events always have to Be, in the sense of clear rules, and now might say that the field of management has been a profession for the experts. Why is so because in any activities of the work to be done efficiently and effectively, in order to obtain feedback or input is great.
Edgar H. Schein in his book, organization socialization and the profession of Management describes the characteristics or criteria-criteria can be used as something of a profession that is:
1. The professionals make decisions on the basis of general principles which apply to situations and environments, it is widely supported by many education-education that aim to educate students to become a professional. For example, Academy of Management Professional Education, courses and training programs and so forth.
2. The profesioal gain status by achieving a certain standard of work performance, is not based on heredity, favoritas, ethnicity, religion dam criteria, other criteria.
3. The professional must be determined by a strong code of ethics.

E. Levels of Management and Manager
Management is used in all forms of activities both professional and non professional activities, both governmental and private organizations, so managers can be classified in two ways: levels in the organization and scope of activities undertaken.
When viewed from the levels in the organization, management is divided into three distinct groups, namely:
1. Line management: the first level of management or the lowest level in an organization, where one in charge of the work of others, such as foreman or supervisor in a factory production supervisor a part of research techniques and so forth.
2. Middle management (midle Manager) that includes more than one level within the organization.
3. Top Management (Top Manager) consists of a relatively small group, which is responsible for overall management of the organization.
Functional managers responsible for the activities of the organization, such as the production of marketing, finance and so forth, the general manager in charge of the unit a more complicated example of a company branch or part of an independent operational responsibility for all activities of the unit.
There are two major functions or expertise (skills) that is technical expertise (Teknical Skill) and managerial skills (Managerial Skill). Ie engineering expertise on how to work and produce something that is made up of directors with the motivation, supervision and communication. Managerial skills are skills that pleased about goal setting planning, organizing, drafting personnel and supervision.

F. Management Functions
Management functions according to some authors, among others:
1. Ernest Dale: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Innovating, Representing and Controlling.
2. Oey Liang Lee: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling.
3. James Stoner: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling.
4. Henry Fayol: Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, Controlling.
5. Lindal F. Urwich: Forescating, Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Cordinating, Controlling.
6. Dr. SP. Siagian MPA: Planning, Organizing, Motivating, Controlling.
7. Prayudi Atmosudirjo: Planning, Organizing, Directing / Actuating, Controlling.
8. DR. Winardi SE: Planning, Organizing, Coordinating, Actuating, Leading, Communicating, Controlling.
9. The Liang Gie: Planning, Decision Making, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling, Improving.
In effect the above functions can be combined into 10 functions are:
1. Forecasting (prediction), namely forecast, projecting to the possibility that will happen when something is done.
2. Planning (planning) the determination of a series of actions and activities to achieve expected results.
3. Organizing (organization) is the grouping of activities to achieve objectives, including in this case the determination of the organizational structure, duties and functions.
4. Staffing or Assembling Resources (personnel preparation) is the preparation of personnel since the withdrawal of labor from new. training and development to every officer in an attempt to give maximum efficiency in the organization.
5. Directing, or Commanding (directional or mengkomando) is the effort to give guidance and suggestions in the implementation of task orders each subordinate (delegation of authority) to be implemented properly in accordance with the intended purpose.
6. Leading the manager's job to ask another person to act in accordance with the intended purpose.
7. Coordinating (coordination) that align the task or job in order to avoid chaos and responsibilities at each other with connecting roads, together, combine and harmonize the work of subordinates.
8. Motivating (motivation) the encouragement, inspiration and encouragement to subordinates to do the activities that have been established voluntarily.
9. Controlling (monitoring) the discovery and application of methods and equipment to ensure that the plan has been implemented in accordance with the objectives.
10. Reporting (reporting) that the conveyance of the activities of both written and oral.
The process of implementation of management activities, the management functions including planning, organizing, drafting, coaching, and supervision. It is these functions into the company, are functions of the manager outside the company are:
1. represent the company in the field trial.
2. take part as an ordinary citizen.
make contact with elements of society.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Management Functions

Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and effective planning & regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. These activities are different from operative functions like marketing, finance, purchase etc. Rather these activities are common to each and every manger irrespective of his level or status.
Different experts have classified functions of management. According to George & Jerry, “There are four fundamental functions of management i.e. planning, organizing, actuating and controlling”. According to Henry Fayol, “To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, & to control”. Whereas Luther Gullick has given a keyword ’POSDCORB’ where P stands for Planning, O for Organizing, S for Staffing, D for Directing, Co for Co-ordination, R for reporting & B for Budgeting. But the most widely accepted are functions of management given by KOONTZ and O’DONNEL i.e. Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling.
For theoretical purposes, it may be convenient to separate the function of management but practically these functions are overlapping in nature i.e. they are highly inseparable. Each function blends into the other & each affects the performance of others.

  1. Planning
    It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-determined goals. According to KOONTZ, “Planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”. A plan is a future course of actions. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making. Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human & non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.
  2. Organizing
    It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. According to Henry Fayol, “To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s”. To organize a business involves determining & providing human and non-human resources to the organizational structure. Organizing as a process involves:
    • Identification of activities.
    • Classification of grouping of activities.
    • Assignment of duties.
    • Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
    • Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships.
  3. Staffing
    It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose o staffing is to put right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. According to Kootz & O’Donell, “Managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal & development of personnel to fill the roles designed un the structure”. Staffing involves:
    • Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the person and giving the right place).
    • Recruitment, selection & placement.
    • Training & development.
    • Remuneration.
    • Performance appraisal.
    • Promotions & transfer.
  4. Directing
    It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the action of people because planning, organizing and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-personnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement of organizational goals. Direction has following elements:
    • Supervision
    • Motivation
    • Leadership
    • Communication
    Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. It is the act of watching & directing work & workers.
    Motivation- means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with zeal to work. Positive, negative, monetary, non-monetary incentives may be used for this purpose.
    Leadership- may be defined as a process by which manager guides and influences the work of subordinates in desired direction.
    Communications- is the process of passing information, experience, opinion etc from one person to another. It is a bridge of understanding.
  5. Controlling
    It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that everything occurs in conformities with the standards. An efficient system of control helps to predict deviations before they actually occur. According to Theo Haimann, “Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation”. According to Koontz & O’Donell “Controlling is the measurement & correction of performance activities of subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being accomplished”. Therefore controlling has following steps:
    1. Establishment of standard performance.
    2. Measurement of actual performance.
    3. Comparison of actual performance with the standards and finding out deviation if any.
    4. Corrective action.

Definition Of Management

The term management has a different meaning. Adl is universally resource-use management to achieve organizational goals and performance of eminence in various types of profit and non profit organizations.

Definition put forward by management who Daft (2003:4) as follows: "Management is the Attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning organizing leading and controlling organizational resources". Opinion was less lbh means that management is the achievement of organizational goals with effective and efficient way through which the organization planning the direction and supervision organizational resources.

Plunket et al. (2005:5) defines management as "One or more managers individually and Collectively setting and Achieving goals by exercising related functions (planning organizing staffing leading and controlling) and coordinating Various resources (information materials money and people)". Opinion was less lbh means that management is one or LBH managers who individually or jointly establish and achieve goals with organizational perform related functions (planning pengorgnisasian staffing direction and control) and co-ordinating the resources (money and material information people).

Managers themselves according to Plunket et al. (2005:5) is the WHO people are allocate and oversee the use of resources so the people who manage and supervise the use of resources.

Lewis et al. (2004:5) defines management as: "the process of administering and coordinating resources efficiently and Effectively in an effort to Achieve the goals of the organization." Opinion was less lbh means that management is the process of managing and coordinating resources -resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve organizational goals.

According to Mary Parker Follett who was quoted by Handoko (2000:8) management is an art in the work done through others. This definition implies that the managers achieve organizational objectives through setting up others to carry out various tasks which may be required.

understanding of management

Understanding management - interpret and define the management there are various kinds, some interpret the procedures, management, maintenance and other so on. When viewed from the existing literature, the notion of management can be viewed from three terms:

 1. management as a process.
 2. management as a human collectivity
 3. management as a science (science) and as an art (art).

Management as a process, where the way people look at how to achieve the goals set in advance. Understanding of management as a process can be seen from the definition according to:

1. Encyclopaedia of the Social Science, which is a process by which the implementation of a particular purpose implemented and monitored.

2. Haiman, namely management functions to achieve a goal through the activities of others, oversees efforts by individuals to achieve goals.

3. Georçv R. Terry, namely how to achieve goals that have been determined in advance through the activities of others.

Management of a collectivity which is a collection of people who work together to achieve a common goal. Collectivity or group of people is called the management, being the person responsible for the implementation of a management activity of purpose or the passage of so-called managers.

Management as a science and art, to see how the management activities associated with the principles of management. Understanding of management as a science and art of:

1. I Chaster Bernard in his book JTAe ^ Bnctíon of the Executive, the management of the arts and sciences, as well as Henry Fajol, Alfin Brown Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell K GerQge Terry.

2. FoUett Marry Parker stated that the management as the art work done through others.

Of devinisi above can be concluded that the management is the coordination of all resources through the process of planning, organizing, setting employment, direction and control to achieve the goals set in advance

Management according to the definition of Experts.

Any person, firm, even to the state also requires management. Ask why?? What is the definition of management? If you want to know aja read the explanation below.
Management definition according to the experts:
2. According to Prof. Dr. H. ARIFIN Abdulrachman in the book "PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK" can be defined:
4. According to "Mary Parker Follett":
5. According to James A.F. Stonner:

Here is a MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS according to the experts:
A. According to George R.Terry- Planning (Planning);- Organizing (Organizing);- Mobilization (Actuating);- Control (Controlling).
2. According to Luther M. Adapted by Dr. Gulick. BN.Silalai- Planning (Planning);- Organising (Organizing);- Complete the Employment (Staffing);- Directing (Directing);- Menyelaras / Coordinate (Coordinating);- Reporting (Reporting);- Develop Budget (Budgeting).
3. According to Henry Fayol- Planning (Planning);- Organising (Organizing);- Ruling (Commanding);- To co-ordinate (Coordinating);- Monitor (Controlling).
4. According to Koontz and O. Donnel- Planning (Planning);- Organising (Organizing);- Complete the Employment (Staffing);- Directing (Directing);- Monitor (Controlling).

Management Science

Management Science is a scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the practice of management. Within our scope are all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and operations. We include studies on organizational, managerial, and individual decision making, from both normative and descriptive perspectives. Our articles are primarily based on the foundational disciplines of economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and statistics, and we encourage cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the diversity of the management science professions. Our interest extends to managerial issues in diverse organizational forms, such as for-profit and nonprofit firms, private and public sector institutions, and formal and informal networks of individuals. We welcome both empirical (field or lab) and theoretical contributions.
Topics covered in Management Science include:

    Business Strategy
    Decision Analysis
    Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    Information Systems
    Operations Management
    Optimization and Modeling
    Stochastic Models and Simulation

Management Science also strives to stimulate research in emerging domains created by economic globalization, public policy shifts, technological improvements, and trends in management practice. Its audience includes academics at business and engineering schools and managers open to the application of quantitative methods in business.

"BusinessWeek continues to include four INFORMS journals (Marketing Science, Operations Research, Management Science, and Information Systems Research) among the top 20 journals valued by business school deans and academic program directors."

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Outsource your payroll management

Every small business owner runs through one problem – the absence of a proper human resources system to manage the various important aspects of your company. An HR is responsible for numerous things such as recruitment, training, manpower management, payroll management and whatnot. In some SME’s, all this work is being done by one person only. Naturally that person needs all the help he or she can have.
I think one of the most important aspect of HR is manpower and payroll management. Here’s an article on ehow explaining pay roll. Imagine your salary coming 1 day late every month. Or a wrong cheque amount being made. Or, Sometimes it may happen, one of your employees receiving a salary much higher than what he should be getting. That’s money from your pocket right?
Payroll management itself covers a lot of different aspects such as calculating an employees salary, deducting taxes, and disbursing the salaries amongst your employees. It sounds simple, but multiply this work by the number of people you have in your organization and you would know how much time is being spent on payroll management.
So here’s my advice for Small business managers & owners. First learn the payroll management process. Secondly, try to find some good softwares which do your payroll calculation for you. That’s the best action you can take. If you have an external software / service managing your payroll, all you have to do is confirm your action and your payrolls will be taken care of. Sweet isn’t it? Imagine the amount of time you would be saving.
I browsed around the internet and came across Intuit. Intuit is an online payroll calculator. You can do online payroll management through their payroll software known as quickbooks and you can do offline payroll management through outsourcing all your payroll activities to their customer care centre. The payrolls will be provided at the right time with the proper amount.
There may be many other softwares but I found the layout and usability of Intuit to be very good. Plus it helps you in paying your contractors too. So that is an added advantage. Overall, an online payroll calculator will lessen your workload (especially if you have only one person handling all different activities of an HR).

Graduate Scholarship Program from The World Bank Institute

The mission of the World Bank Group is to reduce poverty and improve living standards through sustainable development and investment in people. The World Bank Institute (WBI) is at the forefront of the Bank's efforts to promote learning and deliver to the stakeholders, the best thinking and experience emerging from around the world on issues crucial to reform and socio-economic development.

Through its management of the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) and the Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships), WBI supplements its training programs by providing opportunities for graduate study to promising professionals from developing member countries.

The objective of the Scholarship and Fellowship Programs is to help create an international community of highly-trained professionals working in the field of economic and social development. The community will actively participate in the capacity building efforts in the developing countries.

Respective candidates are encouraged to carefully go through both the JJ/WBGSP and RSM Fellowships and review the eligibility criteria. For the JJ/WBGSP Regular Program and RSM Fellowships candidates apply directly to the Secretariat at the World Bank Headquarters. For both the Partnership Programs the respective host universities should be contacted.
To apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant must:

* Be a national of a World Bank member country eligible to borrow.
* Be born after March 31, 1970.
* Have, by March 31, 2010, at least 2, preferably 4 to 5, years of recent full time professional experience acquired after a university degree, in the applicant’s home country or in another developing country.
* Hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
* Be in good health.
* Be of good character.
* Not be a permanent resident or a national of any industrialized country.
* Not be residing in an industrialized country for more than one year.
* Not be an Executive Director, his/her alternate, staff of the World Bank Group (the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, International Development Association, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes), consultant, or relative of the aforementioned.

Program of Study

* Eligible applicants should propose a program of study related to development at the master's level, in fields such as economics, health, education, agriculture, environment, natural resource management, or other development‑related subject.
* The proposed program of study should start during the academic year 2010/2011 for a maximum duration of two years. The JJ/WBGSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled (i.e., taking classes) in graduate degree programs.
* Applicants should submit evidence of current unconditional admission to at least one development-related university master’s degree program. Applicants are encouraged to apply to one of the Preferred Universities.
* The Program does not support studies in the applicant’s home country.
* The Program does not support applicants for MBA, MDs, M.Phil. or Ph.D. degrees.
* The Program does not support legal studies such as J.D., L.L.M. or S.J.D. except for L.L.M.’s related to human rights, environment, or good governance.
Selection Criteria

Eligible applications are assessed according to three main factors: academic excellence, professional experience, and relevance of program of study. Priority is given to candidates from the public sector with a high potential to impact the development in their own countries after completion of their studies. To the extent permitted by Program requirements and selection standards, the JJ/WBGSP:

* seeks to maintain a reasonably wide geographical distribution of awards and gives priority to applicants from low-income countries
* supports promising female candidates
* gives priority to those candidates who, other things equal, have limited financial resources
Special Conditions

* In accepting the JJ/WBGSP scholarship, candidates commit themselves to return to and work in their home countries after completion of their studies.
* In accepting this scholarship, candidates consent to the employment restriction policy of the JJ/WBGSP and acknowledge that they will not be able to work at the World Bank Group or IMF for three years after completion of their academic program.

How to Apply

To apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant must read carefully the application procedure as outlined in this website.

[by Andy Laver Sirait]
Sumber: www.financeindonesia.org

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sato International Scholarship Foundation

The Sato International Scholarship Foundation grants two types of scholarship for self-supporting students from ASEAN countries as well as Southwest Asian countries enrolled in a Japanese undergraduate or graduate institution:

1. Scholarship for Self-Supporting Students
2. Scholarship for Short-Term Exchange Students.

Students from the Following Countries are Eligible to Apply: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam

Scholarship for Self-Supporting Students: The applicant must be residing in Japan, enrolled in or accepted to a legitimate program. Please apply through the students’ office of your university.

Amount of Scholarship

* Undergraduate students: 120,000 yen/month
* Graduate students: 180,000 yen/month( plus additional support to cover cost for attending conferences )

Duration of Scholarship: 2 years
Number of Scholarships Granted: Around 25 students will be accepted.

The applicant must be a citizen from the aforesaid countries, who does not hold Japanese citizenship and must be enrolled in a Japanese undergraduate or graduate institution, under the jurisdiction of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The applicant must also fulfill the following requirements:

1. Does not receive any sort of scholarship or funding from other parties.
2. Holds legal residence status as a college student.
3. Have interest in promoting international understanding and friendship, and is able to attend SISF meetings (meetings are held 6 times/year).
4. Does not have a parent employed in Japan.
5. Does not hold a doctorate degree.
6. Is enrolled in a program with more than 1 year left until graduation/completion (from April 2009). This restriction does not apply to doctorate program.

Scholarship for Short-Term Exchange Students: This scholarship is provided to students who are recommended by those designated universities that have secured an agreement of recommendation with the Sato International Scholarship Foundation. Scholarship as well as travel fee to Japan is provided to those students from the aforesaid countries who will study in Japan on a short term based on the agreement among universities for study exchange.

Amount of Scholarship: 100,000 yen/month

Duration of Scholarship: Over 6 months, up to 10 months; however scholarship terminates upon completion of the program.

Designated Universities: The University of Electro-Communications, University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba, J.F. Oberlin University, Rikkyo University.

Address: Asahi Seimei Ebisu Building 11th Floor
1-3-1 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan , Postal Code 150-0013
Telephone: (81) 3-5789-2190 , Fax: (81) 3-5420-5682

Moreinfo: http://sisf.or.jp/eng/index.php?opti...d=19&Itemid=36
Sumber: www.financeindonesia.org

Friday, January 22, 2010

Business School with Scholarship in JAPAN

Too good to be true? Well, good news for you..it is true.

The name of the school is International University of Japan (IUJ) Business School which located in Niigata prefecture, about 200 km from Tokyo. It was started in 1988 in collaboration with the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College, USA, becoming the first U.S. style business school in Japan. Built upon an English-based curriculum which focuses on the comparative analysis of global issues from a Japan-Asia perspective, while also adhering to the high standards set for a global MBA education, the IUJ Business School has established itself as a leading graduate business school in Japan and Asia Pacific.

IUJ's Business School appears as the top Japanese business school in most recent rankings of Asia-Pacific region and Japan. QS ranked IUJ first in Japan in its "Global Top Business Schools 2009: The Employers’ Choice." "Nikkei Career Magazine," one of the most widely read career development magazines in Japan, announces business school rankings annually. IUJ was ranked third in the "MBA rankings in Japan" in 2009. For 7 consecutive years, IUJ has been the only Business School in Japan to be included in the prestigious Economist Intelligence Unit’s "Top-100 Business Schools of the World" rankings, and is among only a handful of Asian Business Schools in the Economist’s Top-100. According to the ranking in 2009, IUJ is placed 85th in the world and 8th in the Asia-Pacific Region in the overall ranking.

If you are interested to study at the IUJ Business School in 2010, you can check the complete Admission Schedules at here. Regarding the scholarship, IUJ grants S.Nakayama Scholarships to qualified non-Japanese applicants. Applicants can also apply for scholarship programs provided by outside organizations such as ADB (Asian Development Bank), IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), MIF (The Matsushita International Foundation) and AEON (AEON 1% Club), if they qualify for such scholarship programs. For more details and how to apply, please refer to the IUJ Scholarship Guidelines for Non-Japanese Applicants.

Hope you can experience the amazing program that IUJ offers, good luck!

Andy Laver Sirait,The writer is an alumni of IUJ, Class of 2004. During his time as student there, he was the President of IUJ's Graduate Student Organization and Teaching Assistant for two Accounting subjects.
Sumber: www.financeindonesia.org

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Fujitsu Scholarship at JAIMS, Hawaii

The Fujitsu Scholarship supports your development as a global leader by funding your participation in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program. The EWKLP has a three-month curriculum, which synthesizes the best practices of both the East and West. You will sharpen your global management knowledge and skills, and build the confidence necessary for success in global business situations.

EWKLP is run by JAIMS, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Fujitsu established JAIMS as a nonprofit postgraduate institute in 1972. Many Fujitsu Scholarship recipients are now working for corporate and social-service organizations across the globe. As a EWKLP graduate, you too will become a member of a vibrant global alumni network.

In addition to qualifying for the Fujitsu Scholarship, you must also qualify for admission to JAIMS' EWKLP. For complete EWKLP information, refer to the EWKLP Application Packet contained at the bottom of the Application Checklist section. Fujitsu Scholarship qualifications include the following:
  1. A bachelor's degree or a degree equivalent to a four-year standard baccalaureate degree in any discipline from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.
  2. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. A minimum TOEFL score of 577/233/90 (paper/computer/Internet), TOEIC score of 750, or IELTS overall band test result of 6.5 or higher from tests taken between March 2008 and March 2010. Applicants who received a bachelor's degree or an advanced degree with at least two years of full-time coursework within the last five years from a regionally accredited institution in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, or New Zealand; or from a university in Canada, Africa or Singapore, where English is the language of instruction are exempt from taking the TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS.
  4. A minimum of three years of relevant full-time work experience (five years preferred) at the time of application.
  5. To qualify for the Fujitsu Scholarship, applicants must be a resident of the state of Hawaii, U.S.A., or a citizen of one of the following countries: Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, or Vietnam.


The Fujitsu Scholarship benefits include tuition and fees for the EWKLP program. Other benefits, which vary in amount each year, are also included.
  • Tuition and Fees for the EWKLP
  • Stipend Toward Living Expenses *
    *Applicants from the following countries/areas are not eligible to receive the monthly stipend: Australia, Hawaii, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
  • Airfare:
    Fujitsu Ltd. will provide a round-trip air ticket to cover transportation from the participant's home country to Honolulu, and back. The selection of the air carrier and travel agent, including itinerary, is at the discretion of Fujitsu Ltd. In the event the participant wishes to change and/or expand the route and/or the period of stay, Fujitsu Ltd. reserves the right to withhold the original ticket.
  • Health Insurance:
    Fujitsu Ltd. will provide medical insurance that covers a portion of the participant's medical expenses during the program period. The participant pays `ll medical expenses not covered by the medical insurance. The selection of the medical insurance plan is at the discretion of Fujitsu Ltd.
  • Housing Arrangements:
    JAIMS will assist in locating appropriate housing in Honolulu for all participants. Fujitsu Ltd. will provide and pay for participant accommodations in Japan.
  • Visa Arrangements:
    When applicable, participants will be assisted in obtaining the F-1 Student visa to enter the U.S. EWKLP participants will be assisted with the appropriate visa to enter Japan, if necessary. The expense of obtaining the visa is the financial responsibility of the participant.

Application Process

  1. Download the Fujitsu Scholarship Application Packet from the bottom of the Application Checklist.
  2. If you are unable to do so, please request the application packets through your local Fujitsu Limited affiliated office. You can find your local affiliate from this list here.
  3. Complete and submit all documents listed on the Application Checklist.
  4. Deadline for submission: March 19, 2010
    Applicants who fail to submit all documents by the due date cannot be considered.
    Submitted application documents will not be returned to applicants.
  5. Submit all application materials to:
    Fujitsu Hawaii Representative Office
    c/o JAIMS
    6660 Hawaii Kai Drive
    Honolulu, HI 96825

For complete information and more details, please check the official website.
Sumber: www.financeindonesia.org

Monday, January 18, 2010

China – AUN Scholarship 2010

China-AUN Scholarship 2010 is now open for new applications. Please see attached the details and guideline for scholarship application.

Applicants may apply online at http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/ or download application forms for Chinese Government Scholarship from CSC’s website at http://en.csc.edu.cn/laihua/default.aspx?cid=277

After completing online application, kindly print out two copies of applications.

Kindly prepare other supporting documents as required (see scholarship details).

Please send the package of application documents, including copies of applications, to AUN Secretariat Office at:
Mr. Raksit Waropas
Office of the AUN Secretariat
Room 210, Jamjuree 1 Building
Chulalongkorn University
Phayathai Rd., Bangkok 10330
Tel: + 66 2 2153640 ext. 0
Email: raksit@ aun-sec.org

*Please submit your applications by 19 April 2010.
Sumber: www.financeindonesia.org

Siam Cement Group (SCG) Foundation Scholarship Program

Siam Cement Group (SCG) Foundation Scholarship Program

*Deadline: March 31st, 2010*

The SCG Foundation is pleased to grant up to 6 full scholarships for individuals wishing to study at the Master of Arts Program in International Development Studies (MAIDS) at Chulalongkorn University for the upcoming 2010-2011 academic year.

Please note that in previous years the scholarship was limited to full-time government employees or civil servants, but it is now open to non-governmental workers, students, and other individuals with a background in development, as well as government employees.

1. Eligibility (6 Scholarships)

Scholarships are open to government workers, non-profit sector employees, students and other individuals with a background in development from each of the following Southeast Asian countries:

1. Thailand
2. Vietnam
3. Cambodia
4. Laos
5. Indonesia
6. Philippines

The SCG Foundation and the MAIDS programme will seek to distribute one scholarship per country.

2. Scholarship Coverage

I) Living Expenses

- Roundtrip airfare (up to 25,000 baht)

- Housing (5,000 baht/month)

- Food (8,000 baht/month)

2) Education Costs

- Tuition Fees (Thai Scholar: 252,000 baht; International Scholar: 337,500 baht)

- Workshop and/or Fieldtrips (15,000 baht)

Total Scholarship Value

- Thai Scholarship: 464,800 baht/scholarship

- International Scholarship: 575,300 baht/scholarship

3. Scholarship Conditions:

I) Applicants must meet the minimum qualifications for MAIDS admission AND be admitted to the MAIDS program.

II) SCG Foundation Scholars are expected to graduate within the prescribed 12 month period (excluding the pre-session course). Students who are required to enroll in additional semester(s) will have to bear the additional cost of living and tuition fees.

III) SCG Foundation Scholars must not be employed - either part-time or full-time - during their studies/scholarship tenure.

IV) Following graduation, SCG Foundation Scholars are expected to return to work for their home governments for a period of two years.

4. MAIDS Program Admission Requirements:

I) Entry Requirements

- Applicants should possess a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in the social sciences with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0.

- Applicants should also have 2 years work experience in a related field. Mature students, junior to mid-level government officials with experience in development are encouraged to apply.

II) English Language Requirements

Candidates will be required to demonstrate an acceptable level of language proficiency. Applicants should have achieved an English language score of at least 6.0 on the British Council IELTS, 550 in the paper-based TOEFL, 213 in the computer-based TOEFL, or 550 in CU-TEP (Chulalongkorn University Test of English Proficiency). These three above-mentioned tests are the only ones excepted by Chulalongkorn University. Please also note English tests scores must be less than two years old at the time of application.

Please note that these scores, although a minimum requirement for admission, do not guarantee successful admission or completion of the program. The candidate should feel comfortable writing graduate-level academic essays and participating in class discussions in English.

5. Recruitment Procedure:

I) Application Deadline:

March 31st, 2010

II) Preliminary Applicant Screening:

April 2010

III) Short-listed Candidate Interviews:

April/May 2010

IV) Final Selection:

June 2010

V) Pre-session Course for Selected Students:

August/September 2010

VI) Program Commencement:

October 2010

For complete information and more details, please check the official website.Sumber: www.financeindonesia.org